Frequently Asked Questions

Go SOLAR Fest 2013 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there an odor sensor in the Big Belly Solar Trash Compacter unit?  Compacter may not be full, but could contain some organic waste that should be picked up, but would not be picked up until unit is full.
A. No odor sensor available however the inner bin, enclosed container, and use of garbage bags will reduce bad odors.

Q. I am interested to know when Plantation will be added to the owner permitting system?
A. The City of Plantation submitted a letter of support for Phase II of the Broward Go SOLAR program.  We are waiting for a response from the Department of Energy regarding the grant proposal submitted.

Q. Can you send me the link to the website where I can access all of the presentation slides form the presenters?
A. Visit the Go SOLAR Fest website presentations page for a copy of all the presentations.  Video feed also available.

Q. What was the cost of "Diane the Digester" at the Broward County Convention Center?
A.The initial cost for the unit was $40,000, plus about $1,500 for installation of plumbing and electrical where we installed it. They may be a bit less expensive now.

Q. How to submit new roof mounting systems designed for the electronic permit?
Visit the Purchasing website at
And click on: Broward Go SOLAR Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Rooftop Mounting System Design (PDF) to review and submit the required documents.​​​​