Application Information

Application for Bond Issue

The following are general factors the HFA and the County want to find for a successful application:

  • The proposal is for a health facility needed in the community
  • The project size is in excess of $5,000,000, as the cost of issuing debt does not make it cost-effective to fund smaller projects
  • The organization making the proposal has a very strong financial history, credit rating, and financial statements
  • The proposing organization is established in Broward County
  • The application is complete and contains all requested documentation
  • The applicant provides a resolution or other document authorizing application to HFA for bond financing, with an express reference to a “not to exceed” dollar amount
  • The proposing organization provides a list of affiliated entities, if any, significantly involved in the project


  1. Specific criteria can be found in Articles 7 and 8 of the Health Facilities Authority Policies and Procedures. (PDF)
  2. Application (PDF)
  3. Process Flow


Application for Surplus Fund

Application for surplus funds grant should be made by letter, addressed to the Director of the Department of Human Services, Broward County, and contain sufficient detail to accurately describe the proposed project, including need, costs, and expected outcomes.