RFP Frequently Asked Questions
  1. ​​Is Attachment G required?  Under Section A. Organizational Attachments, the list requires Attachment G a Community/Disadvantage Business Enterprise Policy. However, the Attachment G sample has been omitted. It skips from Attachment F: Client Non-Discrimination Policy to Attachment H: Americans with Disabilities Act Policy.
    Attachment G is not required. It was inadvertently left on the list of Organizational Attachments.
  2. Does the Minor Home Repair program require the Environment Checklist to be completed for each participating property?
    Yes, the Environment Checklist will be completed for each property. This can be done at the initial inspection.
  3. What's the service area for the Minor Home Repair and Water Sewer Connections RFP?
    Unincorporated Broward County and cities under 50,000 population.
  4. Can one homeowner take advantage of both the Home Repair and the Water Sewer Connection funding? If so, is it secured under one or separate mortgages?
    The County already has a list of customers who are being certified for the Water and Sewer Connection program and they should be ready for the selected vendor to move forward with bidding the work, etc. The Water and Sewer program is a straight grant and does not require a note and mortgage.
    There is nothing that would prohibit a homeowner from qualifying for both if funding is available.
  5. Is the awarded organization responsible for maintaining a "wait-list" of interested applicants or will this fall under the County?
    The County will be responsible for providing the names of interested applicants to the selected vendor. The vendor will not have to do outreach, but they will have to work through this lists provided by the County.
  6. Does the County require a bid process on the Water and Sewer Connections or can the work be assigned by the awarded organization to it vendor pool?

    Yes, the County will require bids for the Water and Sewer Connection grants. These will not require general contractors. Plumbing contractors registered with the County may be used to bid these projects.