Housing Finance Authority


Create partnerships, maximize resources and find new tools to develop and preserve affordable housing and improve communities in Broward County.

Alleviate and remedy a shortage of housing or rentals, available at prices which many persons and families can afford, and a shortage of capital for investment in such housing in Broward County.

Encourage investment by private enterprise and the stimulation of construction and rehabilitation of housing through the use of public financing.

Created By

Broward County Ordinance #79-41, enacted June 20, 1979, pursuant to Section 159.608, Florida Housing Finance Authority Law, Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statues.

Amended by Ordinance #2002-26, enacted June 11, 2002, effective January 1, 2003, increasing the membership from five to nine; increasing the quorum from three to five members.

Amended by Resolution #2002-0535, adopted June 11, 2002, effective January 1, 2003, increasing the membership to nine as allowed by Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes.

Amended by Resolution #2010-328, adopted May 25, 2010, amending the bylaws, adopting Section 1-233(e), attendance requirements, Broward County Code of Ordinances.


Nine (9) members.

Each County Commissioner shall appoint one (1) member. No less than three of the members shall be knowledgeable in one of the following fields: labor, finance, or commerce.

The Florida Constitution prohibits a person from simultaneously holding more than one office under the government of the state, counties, and municipalities. The prohibition applies to both elected and appointed offices. It is not necessary that the two offices be within the same governmental unit.


Four (4) years. Members shall serve until a successor has been appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 1-233(e), attendance requirements, Broward County Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.  


Five (5) members.


Alicia Lobeiras, Assistant County Attorney


Norman Howard, Assistant to the Director
Housing Finance and Community Development Division
Housing Finance Authority of Broward County

Ralph Stone, Executive Director
Housing Finance and Community Development Division
Housing Finance Authority of Broward County


Sonia Isme, Office Support Specialist


Monthly, second Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Housing Finance Authority
110 NE 3rd Street, Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301



Financial Disclosure required; County responsible for notification but not reporting.

Updated 9/11/2020​​