Legal Aid Service of Broward County


Promote self-sufficiency and independence by providing free civil legal advice, representation and education to economically disadvantaged people living in Broward County.

Created By

Pursuant to Title 45, Chapter XVI, Part 1607.3, Federal Regulations.

Legal Aid Service of Broward County was established as a non-profit law firm in 1974.

Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida was established as a non-profit law firm in 2003.

Effective January 1, 2004, Legal Aid Service of Broward County, Inc. split off and formed a second corporation called Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc. This was done in order to provide more services to Broward residents based upon Federal funding restrictions. The members of both boards are exactly the same.

Amended by Resolution #2005-22, adopted January 11, 2005, changing the way by which the two Broward County Commission appointments are made, from an at-large rotation procedure, to a full board vote on each prospective appointee.


The members of this corporation, no less than fifteen (15) and no more than twenty-one (21), shall be the Board of Directors.

The Broward County Commission shall appoint two (2) members, an attorney and an eligible client, as described below:

(1) A majority of the Board shall be attorneys who are supportive and have interest in and knowledge of the delivery of quality legal services to the poor.

(2) One-third (1/3) shall be eligible clients selected one each by: the Haitian Outreach Partnership for Empowerment; the Urban League of Broward County; the Broward Homebound Program; the Broward House; the NAACP; and the Broward County Commission.

(3) One (1) member shall be a CPA designated by the Broward County Chapter of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

(4) One (1) member shall be an at-large member chosen by the Board of Directors.


Three (3) years. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term.

No director shall serve more than two (2) successive terms but may thereafter be re-appointed after an absence of not less than three (3) years.

If a board member is absent from three (3) regular meetings during a twelve (12) month period, the member shall be automatically removed as a member. The removed board member may be re-installed, for good cause shown, at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.


Eight (8) members.


Anthony J. Karrat, Esq., Executive Director
Legal Aid Service of Broward County
491 N. State Road 7
Plantation, FL 33317

Barbara J. Prager, Esq., Executive Director
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida
491 N. State Road 7
Plantation, FL 33317


Monthly, third Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Legal Aid Building


Financial Disclosure not required.

Updated 8/09