Complete Streets

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What Are Complete Streets?

On complete streets the entire right-of-way is planned, designed, and operated for all modes of transportation and all users regardless of age or ability. Pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists of all ages and abilities must be able to safely move along and across a complete street. Each complete street is unique and accommodates the needs of the surrounding community (context). Complete streets may include sidewalks, bicycle lanes, accessible public transit stops, safe crosswalks, landscaped median islands, pedestrian signals, narrower travel lanes, and roundabouts, among others.

What have Broward County and its partners been doing to implement Complete Streets?

Since 2009, Broward County agencies have been partnering with  the Broward MPO, FDOT, municipalities and others to incorporate Complete Streets design guidelines into codes and Comprehensive Plans, identify and allocate funding, and construct projects. Both the Broward County Comprehensive Plan and the Broward County Land Use Plan include policies that promote complete streets.

Broward County’s Complete Streets Team reviews projects that impact county roads for compliance with Broward County’s complete streets policy and standards. The Team includes representatives from several County agencies such as the Transportation Department (Transit), Public Works Department, Parks and Recreation Division, Urban Planning Division, Natural Resources Division, Human Services Department, and a member of the Broward Bicycling and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.​