Transitional Phase

​​Community Standards: As distinguished from the emergency phase that focuses more on meeting basic human needs, the transitional phase program should focus on preparing Clients for self-sufficiency in permanent housing. Common service plans must include goals that address overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency and maintenance of permanent housing. The Client is expected to assume an increasing degree of autonomy and personal responsibility (e.g., fewer rules and restrictions, greater financial contributions to self-support where able) during their stay in transitional housing.

Clients being referred to Transitional or Permanent Housing must have attained a minimal level of progress towards self-sufficiency during Emergency Phase:

  • Identification sufficient to be employable
  • Full-time employment or enrollment in formal job training if able bodied
  • Formally initiated disability application if claiming to be disabled
  • Thirty days' compliance with Care Plan and any treatment plan as applicable
  • In the absence of documentation that a Client has undergone a complete physical within the previous six months, transitional care facilities shall arrange for a full medical assessment and evaluation (i.e., complete physical) for each Client within seventy-two (72) hours of the Client's entry into the facility.