
​​​​​​​​Florida law requires constitutional officers including county commissioners and all elected municipal officers to complete four hours of ethics training each calendar year "...which addresses, at a minimum, s. 8, Art. II of the State Constitution, the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and the public records and public meetings laws of this state.  This requirement may be satisfied by completion of a continuing legal education class or other continuing professional education class, seminar, or presentation if the required subjects are covered."  F.S. 112.3142(2)(a) and (2)(b).


The Broward Ethics Code requires Broward Elected Officials to complete four hours of training, including two that are "interactive," on the topics of "Sunshine Law, public records, and public service ethics" within 120 days of taking office.  In addition, incumbent Broward Elected Officials are required to complete four hours of training, again including two that are "interactive," on the topics of "Sunshine Law, public records, and public service ethics" each calendar year.  Broward Code Sec. 1-19(d). 

Upcoming Live & Interactive Ethics Training by the OIG:

​To be announced

​On-line resources for public service ethics training:
OIG’s ethics training materials: 

Using on-line ethics training to satisfy the Broward Code of Ethics or the State Code of Ethics: 
  1. Only two hours of your annual ethics training can be non-interactive, under the Broward Code of Ethics (that is, two hours each year must be live).
  2. If there is a charge, you must contact the provider and pay its fee to access the materials.
  3. Once you've paid the fee or if there is no fee, you should view (or listen) to the video (or audio) to completion.  Mere self-study by your review of written materials (hard copy or electronic) does not suffice as "training."
  4. Once you complete the video or audio, you should document the date, duration, source, and title of the video or audio in your own records for later reference if necessary.  Please note that 50 minutes of training is the equivalent of one hour for reporting purposes.
  5. Once you have completed four hours for the calendar year, you should complete a training certification form (available from your county or municipal attorney) and file it with your County Administrator or municipal clerk.
  6. There is a box for you to check on your Form 1 or Form 6 to certify completing the State ethics training requirement.​
Elected officials take note: 
  • Neither the OIG nor the State Commission on Ethics tracks officials’ completed hours.  You must document your ethics training activity in your own records.
  • For the State requirement, you may take training from any source you choose.
  • For the Broward requirement, training may be available through regional universities, municipal or local government organizations, or the state or regional Bar associations.
  • At this time, there is no certification or accreditation process for training providers.