
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Rosetta S​tone​​ (website)

Includes 30 languages with core lessons to build reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills and also includes focused activities to refine grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and more. 


Mobile App

Rosetta Stone is accessible from anywhere and the mobile app reinforces language learning on the go. Download the mobile app and ​then auth​enticate ​your account. 

How to log into the Rosetta Stone mobile app:

  1. Install the Rosetta Stone app on your mobile device: Apple® | Android
  2. Open your mobile device's browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.) and visit http://search.e​bscohost.com
  3. Sign In screen: click Access through your institution > search: Broward County > enter your full Library card number
  4. Select resource - scroll and click Rosetta Stone Library Solution
  5. Enter your email address and password. *If you are a first time user, create an account on this screen. Choose the language you want to learn and click Sign in button
  6. The browser will automatically open the Rosetta Stone app on your mobile device. Note: If accessing on a Kindle or Nook device, you are directed to the main page of the app store for your device.​​​
Call us​ if you need assistance.​