
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chapter 119, Florida Statutes governs the public’s right to inspect and obtain copies of public records. All Broward County records, unless exempt or confidential by state or federal law, are public records. Public records must be available for inspection, examination or copying by any person; requests may be submitted to any Broward County agency on the phone, in person, via mail or email. If there is a fee for the records, you will be notified in advance.

The easiest way to request a public record is through the applicable agency. Each County agency has a designated Public Records Request Coordinator. A list of agency Coordinators​ is posted online, and in each C​ounty administrative building where public records are routinely created, sent, received, maintained and requested.​

Please prepare a clear, concise description of the records that you seek. Please avoid acronyms. If you are requesting email records, your request should specify a date range, identify email accounts and keywords that should be searched. Please consider carefully the information that will be useful to you. Very broad requests can take longer to fulfill and may become costly.

Records will be provided in a reasonable period of time based on the volume and complexity of the request.​