Licensing Requirements

All projects are reviewed and forwarded to the applicable review agency to determine if any of the following licenses are required and/or currently issued. If required, we can’t issue approval until all required licenses are issued.

Environmental Resource License
Projects involving wetlands, dredging and filling activities, construction of dock, pilings and bridges, lake removal, alteration of mangroves, or other water-related activities require a license from the Environmental Licensing and Building Permitting Division (ELBPD). Environmental review approval will be issued once the license is issued. Sec 27-333

Hazardous Material License
Nonresidential projects are reviewed to determine if a license is required to operate the facility once completed. Projects for existing facilities that appear to need a license are referred to the Pollution Prevention Division (PPD) to determine if either a valid license exists or an application is on file. Environmental review approval will be issued once an application is received by PPD. Sec 27-356

Parking Facility License
All projects are reviewed to assess the number of parking spaces to be constructed, if any. If more than 400 spaces are proposed, the associated air impacts from vehicular traffic must be reviewed. The project is referred to PPD for evaluation. They will notify you and us in writing if a license is required and any conditions your project must meet before continuing. Sec 27-176

Stationary Air Source License
All projects are reviewed to determine if a Stationary Air Source license is required. A stationary air source is a business or project emitting or controlling certain contaminants. All stationary air sources are referred to PPD for licensing. Environmental review approval will issued once the appropriate license is issued. 

Storage Tank License
All projects are reviewed for the presence of regulated storage tanks. A regulated storage tank is any above or below ground tank used to store hazardous materials with a volume greater than the threshold volume as defined in the Code. If present, a storage tank license is required for environmental review approval. A license is also required before plans to modify a tank can be approved. Sec 27-301

Surface Water Management License
All projects are evaluated to determine drainage jurisdiction. Projects in Broward County’s jurisdiction that are nonresidential or residential and larger than a duplex must meet the drainage criteria outline in the Code. These projects are referred to ELBPD for evaluation and may require a surface water management license. Environmental review approval will be issued once a license is issued. Sec 27-198​

Tree Removal License
If trees will be removed, relocated or replaced and the project is in unincorporated Broward County or in a municipality where Broward County has jurisdiction, it is referred to ELBPD for a license and/or compliance with the Code. Environmental review approval will be issued once a license is issued. Sec 27-408

Infrastructure Capacity

Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity
Any project generating a wastewater flow will be reviewed to ensure sufficient capacity exists at the wastewater treatment plant serving the project. If the proposed project would put the associated wastewater treatment plant over capacity, or in any other way violate the treatment plant’s license, Environmental Review staff may withhold approval until evidence is available that the wastewater treatment plant can accommodate the additional capacity.

Availability of a Wastewater Collection System
A wastewater collection/transmission system project is one involving construction, modification, expansion, or replacement of sanitary sewers, sanitary manholes, sanitary force mains, or pump stations.  Under limited​ circumstances, a project may be allowed to proceed to the building department even if the wastewater collection system is not yet completed. Such conditional approval relies on a determination that construction will not adversely affect the environment, that necessary land development licenses have been obtained, and the applicant has agreed that no certificate of occupancy will be issued until the wastewater collection system is completed. Release of the conditional approval will be granted only after as-built drawings have been reviewed and we've determined compliance with Section 27-194(f).

Wellfield Protection

For new construction and all industrial and commercial projects, a determination is made regarding location with respect to drinking water supply wells.  If staff determines that the project is in a protected wellfield zone, the project is referred to the Pollution Prevention Division (PPD) for possible licensing. If such a license requirement is confirmed, approval will not be granted until a complete application for a wellfield protection license has been received by PPD.

Other Considerations

Contaminated Sites
Every application for new construction is reviewed to determine if the site overlies or is adjacent to a site for which there is evidence that some prior release or discharge of pollutants has required assessment or possible remediation. In such a case, the project is referred to the Pollution Prevention Division. If they determine your project will not adversely affect cleanup of the site our review process can continue.

Demolition and Renovation
If a project requires demolition or renovation and is nonresidential or residential and greater than four units, you must complete a Statement of Responsibilities Regarding Asbestos. If the work to be performed does not involve new construction, building departments may accept forms directly from you and forward a copy to us.​ A Statement of Responsibility Regarding Asbestos​ must be completed for any project involving demolition of an entire building or any project where building materials are being removed or disturbed (walls, flooring, roofing).

Enforcement Activities
Every project is reviewed for current or outstanding enforcement actions. If your project has outstanding enforcement issues, it's referred to the Pollution Prevention Division. After all issues have been resolved, we can continue the review process.

Septic Tanks
Projects are reviewed to determine if the use of septic tanks is appropriate. If the plans or nature of the business suggests that discharge to a septic system may not be limited to domestic wastewater, it may be referred to the Environmental Licensing and Building Permitting Division before approval is issued. All projects serviced by septic tanks require pre-approval from the Broward County Health Department.

Special Areas of Concern
If your project lies within a special area of concern, it will be referred to the Environmental Licensing and Building Permitting Division (ELBPD). These areas include Natural Resource Areas (NRA), Local Areas of Particular Concern (LAPC), and other protected areas. We can't issue approval until ELBPD notifies us that your project is in compliance.