Tips for Preparing Materials
​​Copy Services
  • For faster copy service, send copy-ready originals or digital files, preferably in high-resolution PDF format. If you are unable to provide a PDF, contact the Print Shop at 954-357-7120. Print Shop staff can make modifications to the file for an additional fee. 
  • If you are requesting black and white copies, your originals should be on white paper. Originals on color paper, particularly dark colors such as red, gold, blue and green, are difficult, and sometime impossible, to reproduce.
  • Don’t send originals with frayed or bent edges. This can cause pages to misfeed as they pass through the document handler.
  • Ensure there is a minimum 3/8” margin at the top and bottom and ¼” margin on each side of your pages. Text or images outside these parameters may not be copied or printed. Originals can be reduced by the Print Shop for an additional fee, but this may delay the production of your job.
Printing Services
  • If you are requesting a reprint of a previous job, please provide a sample of the original piece.
  • Provide camera-ready artwork for all printing jobs. Contact the Office of Public Communications at 357-6990 or e-mail​ if you need assistance to create original artwork.
  • Work requests for numbered materials must be accompanied by a mock up showing the position of the numbering.