Charter Review Commission Questions

Broward County Charter Review Commission Questions

The Broward County Charter Review Commission meets every 12 years to review the Broward County Charter. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the County’s governing document meets the needs of our growing and changing community. Charter Review recommendations help determine the design of Broward County Government, and how it should function to best meet the needs of the people. Charter Review questions are only voted on by Broward County voters.

The following questions are presented to voters as a result of the 2015-2018 CRC’s recommendations, and, aside from the third question regarding creation of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund, include nothing that substantially alters the operations of County government. The County has expressed no issues with these Charter questions.

The Charter ballot questions are not numbered on the ballot, but are presented in the following order:

Broward County Employees pay particular attention to #3 Question​
