Sooty Mold

Do you have black sooty material on your roof, trees, shrubs, or other outdoor property?

Is it pollution or is it… ALIVE???

Throughout much of the United States, and specifically in humid and hot areas such as South Florida, many residents have noticed black sooty material on their outdoor property and foliage. These residents have been concerned that this sooty material is caused by pollution and have contacted their local or state air quality offices to inquire about it. Many have been surprised to learn that this material is usually not pollution but actually a fungus or algae.

Are you concerned about a similar material on your property? If so, click on the links below to learn more.

Sooty Mold
Sooty Mold​
Information Sheet
(Word- 1.88 MB)

Sooty Mold
Sooty Mold
(PPT 8.00 MB)

Alge Growth on Roofs
Algae Growth
on Roofs

Sooty Mold
Sooty Mold

For more information, visit the Broward County Extension Education Web site or call 954-370-3725.

If you still think the problem is pollution, contact the Environmental Complaint Hotline at 954-519-1499.

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