Health Facilities Authority


Assist health facilities in the acquisition, construction, financing and refinancing of projects in any incorporated or unincorporated area of Broward County. Health facility means any private corporation organized not for profit and authorized by law to provide hospital or nursing home care services or life care services, including facilities that provide developmental disabilities and mental health services.

Created By

Broward County Ordinance #77-35, enacted July 6, 1977, pursuant to Chapter 154, Public Health Facilities, Florida Statutes.

Amended by the following Ordinances, (increasing the maximum amount of bonds which the authority may issue from the original $17,500,000, effective July 6, 1977, to the current amount $314,700,000 enacted June 22, 2004):

Ordinance #79-90, enacted September 19, 1979.
Ordinance #80-89, enacted October 15, 1980.
Ordinance #82-57, enacted October 21, 1982.
Ordinance #85-53, enacted September 24, 1985.
Ordinance #88-38, enacted August 23, 1988.
Ordinance #89-22, enacted May 9, 1989.
Ordinance #90-17, enacted July 10, 1990.
Ordinance #91-24, enacted May 14, 1991.
Ordinance #92-47, enacted December 8, 1992.
Ordinance #2000-34, enacted June 27, 2000.
Ordinance #2002-39, enacted August 13, 2002.
Ordinance #2004-13, enacted June 22, 2004.

Amended by Ordinance #95-07, enacted February 14, 1995, providing for the donation of any surplus funds of the Health Facilities Authority to Broward County to appropriate and disburse to nonprofit Human Health Service Agencies.

Amended by Ordinance #2001-48, enacted September 25, 2001, increasing the membership from five to nine members.

Amended by Ordinance #2002-27, enacted June 11, 2002, decreasing the number of members from nine to five members; providing that any member appointed pursuant to Ordinance #2001-48 (September 25, 2001) may continue to serve in an ex-officio capacity and shall not be considered a member under Florida Statute 154.20(4).

Amended by Resolution 2011-729, enacted December 6, 2011, providing that any amendment or repeal of the Rules and Regulations shall require an affirmative of vote of a 2/3 majority of all Authority members.


Five (5) members.

The Broward County Commission shall appoint five (5) members at-large.

The Florida Constitution prohibits a person from simultaneously holding more than one office under the government of the state, counties, and municipalities. The prohibition applies to both elected and appointed offices. It is not necessary that the two offices be within the same governmental unit.


Four (4) years.

Members shall serve until a successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of an unexpired term.

No person shall be excluded from membership on the Authority solely because he/she is a trustee, director, officer of employee of a health facility and the holding of such a position shall not in and of itself constitute a conflict of interest.

Any member of the Authority who is a trustee, director, officer or employee of a health facility, or who otherwise receives income therefrom, shall not vote on any matters relating to such facility coming before the Authority.


Three (3) members, however, the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a meeting shall be necessary for any action taken.


Alicia Lobeiras, Assistant County Attorney


Stephen Farmer
Finance & Administrative Services Department


Monica Donner


The Health Facilities Authority meets the second Thursday of even-numbered months, excluding December, at 9:30 a.m. in the Broward County Governmental Center, 115 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, room to be determined.

Updated 09/24/21​