Water & Climate Resilience Modeling

​​​​​​​​​​​Future Conditions Map Series

Broward County is taking a forward-looking approach to planning for future conditions predicted as a result of climate change, specifically the impacts of sea level rise with an emphasis on planning and design requirements for development, redevelopment, and investments in infrastructure. In 2017, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners established a Future Conditions Map Series, intended to evolve with the application of best available science to develop models and provide data to update design requirements for land use decisions, accounting for future flood and climate risks. 
The first map in this series is the Future Conditions Groundwater Elevation Map, Plate WM 2.1 Future Conditions, which represents the expected future average wet season groundwater elevations for Broward County and is used when reviewing surface water management licenses to ensure that drainage and flood protection level of service will be provided as hydrologic conditions change. It was approved by the County Commissioners on May 23rd, 2017, as Ordinance No. 2017-16, and effective on June 30, 2017

The second in this series, the 100-year Flood Elevation Map, Plate WM 13.1, is intended to advance resiliency efforts to improve standards for flood protection. This modeling effort accounted for projected sea level rise, increased precipitation, saturated soil conditions, and land use changes to predict future flood conditions. The results of this project will serve as a regulatory basis for establishing future minimum habitable floor elevations for new buildings and major redevelopments in the County. It was approved on June 15th, 2021, as Ordinance No. 2021-33, and effective on June 30, 2021. 

Many of Broward County's oldest and largest cities are found along the coast where their drinking water supplies are threatened by saltwater intrusion. Broward County in collaboration with the USGS has been developing variable density models to help better manage this threat. The models are calibrated to historic data sets, go through sensitivity analysis to determine which natural and anthropogenic stresses affected the historical movement, and perform predictive analyses to test future conditions both with and without adaptation strategies. ​

Inundation Modeling

With increased flooding in response to high high tides and or high rainfall storm events the County is expanding its groundwater modeling to include a new Urban Runoff Package (URO). The modeling will focus on two representative areas of Broward County: 1) a tidally influenced community and 2) an inland community dependent on downstream drainage. The model will look at the effects of downscaled climate data and projected sea level rise scenarios will have with and without adaptive strategies to help mitigate future conditions. 

C-51  Reservoir

The C-51 reservoir is an alternative water supply which would capture stormwater runoffs in the C-51 basin. This would help reduce harmful runoffs of stormwater to the Lake Worth Lagoon while also providing a source of water that would be released and routed to municipal wellfields, increasing regional resilience, especially in extreme drought conditions.​

Flood Risk Management Study for Tidally Influenced Coastal Areas

Broward County has partnered with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a Flood Risk Study on the feasibility of raising sea wall heights to improve resiliency to future flooding related to sea level rise (King Tide Flooding) and associated storm events. The study uses ADCIRC modeling to examine the effectiveness of various sea wall heights against a suite of simulated storm events and associated surge to ultimately help inform recommendations for optimal sea wall heights. ​

Learn more about our Water Assessment efforts, including Water Quality, Water Supply Plan, Floridan Aquifer, Canal Integration, and Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan.​